

JFY Laser - BFC series

A high-performance laser machine which opens a broad spectrum of
cutting applications for various industries.

  • High Safety Standard

    Fully enclosed machine with certified components to avoid laser radiation hazards

  • Global service support

    Professional local and remote service support to ensure fast response

  • Optimized price performance ratio

    Reliable machine with higher cost effectiveness and professional manufacturing process

  • Easy to operate

    Ergonomic design and operation with extralarge screen and online monitoring of cutting performance

  • Reliable optics and cutting quality

    Good optics and cutting quality with JFY fiber laser and Raytool cutting unit

Technical Parameter

Technical Data

BFC3015 BFC4020 BFC6020
Maximum format
size that can be
X-axis 3050mm 4050mm 6050mm
Y-axis 1545mm 2050mm 2050mm
Z-axis 260mm 260mm 260mm
Workpiece Max. weight (up to 6KW) 900kg 1600kg 2350kg
Max. speed Simultaneous
Max. acceleration 1.7g 1.7g 1.7g
Max. positioning speed 140m/min 140m/min 140m/min
Accuracy Positioning deviation ±0.03mm ±0.03mm ±0.03mm
Average positioning ±0.03mm ±0.03mm ±0.03mm
Cutting accurac ±0.1mm ±0.1mm ±0.1mm
Machine performanc CNC control FSCUT 2000 FSCUT 2000 FSCUT 2000
Time of table exchange 10sec 10sec 10sec
Machine net weight 8000kg 10000kg 13000kg

Laser Data

Max. power 3000W 6000W
Cutting head Raytool BM110 Raytool BM06
Wavelength 1080±10um 1080±10um
Output type QBH QBH
Output fiber optic diameter 100um 100um
Max. sheet thickness Mild steel 22mm 25mm
Stainless stee 16mm 25mm
Aluminum 12mm 20mm
Copper - -
Brass 10mm 20mm


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